Why Join the Wayne County Family Law Bar Association?

If you are an attorney who practices family law in Wayne County, membership in the Wayne County Family Law Bar Association may be beneficial to your practice.
  • Opportunity to exchange information and ideas - We meet regularly, giving our members plenty of time at each meeting to network, to touch base on specific cases, and to meet and greet new members. Our judges, court staff, and Friend of the Court staff often attend and actively participate in our meetings.
  • Get the latest practice updates and information - We provide information to our members about any changes to policies, procedures, or forms at Wayne County Circuit Court, as well as updates on rulings and practice tips.
  • Have a voice in shaping policy - We have a history of providing comment and input to various issues and changes that are being contemplated, to court procedures, rules, and even statutes; therefore, we often learn about these changes in advance and have time to make an impact.
  • Contribute to the community - As members, we have the opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the community through our fundraising and other initiatives.
  • Let the community and potential clients know of your commitment to family law. Members are listed in the directory, along with their services and areas of expertise.
Family professionals who serve families in Wayne County, can also benefit from membership in the Wayne County Family Law Bar Association. In addition to the benefits listed above, family professionals will be listed in our directory with a list of their services.
PLEASE NOTE: The annual membership period is from January 1st through December 31st each year. Members who have sent in a application and/or check as payment prior to the launch of the website do not need to purchase a new membership. If your firm has multiple attorneys joining, each attorney will need to create an account and purchase a membership individually. 



2024 WCFLBA Membership

2024 WCFLBA Membership for Court Staff

2024 WCFLBA Membership for Law Students